SQL interface you need


The SQL inerface you need!

Works on Linux

Use OneSQL with Wine on your Linux distro. It works smooooothly.

All popular providers

MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, PostgreSQL & SQLite are supported

Highly customizable

With syntax highlighting and custom visual styling, you are on the go!

Secure & Versatile

SSH tunnel, advanced data grid display, inplace editing, threaded execution,…

Why use it?

Well for one, it's free!
Use it 'till you're sick of it and then use it some more.

This one is completely free & open source.
Just think about it... All your databases with this one FREE app.

You don't have to be rich to use this app.
You don't have to be cool, to rule your base.
Ain't no particular OS, it's more compatible with all.
It just wants your extra time and your clicks.

Who doesn't like Tom Jones, right?

  • Support for select, insert, update and delete data

  • Support for alter, create and drop database objects

  • Support for create and edit store procedures and triggers

  • View all your database objects

Our team

The Team (Guys behind the curtains)

Igor Grubisic

Author of OneSQL

Ranko Kuljanin

In east Rijeka, born and raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days…

Marin Rukavina

Core Contributor
Marin put lot of effort to make OneSQL better software